Documents to support your application

Gathering information and evidence for your funding application can take time. Make sure you apply before the deadline.

Sending documents through your SAAS Account

The quickest way to send documents is through the SAAS Document Uploader.

The Document Uploader is a section of the SAAS Account that can be used to electronically upload documents that you need for your application.

Find the Document Uploader by:

You can upload a scanned file or a photograph. Make sure it's the file size is not bigger than 5MB.

After choosing the file from your device, select a document category and document type from the drop-down list. Check that you've selected the right document before you upload.

You can give SAAS more information about the document after uploading it.

Evidence you need – proof of household income

You only need proof if your household income is under £34,000.


Do not send original paper copies - SAAS will destroy the documents.

Income from What SAAS counts Evidence you can upload
Employment (PAYE) They need your parents' or partner's 'total gross income' – the amount earned before tax, National Insurance and pension are taken off. Include any commission, bonuses and overtime earned. - P60
- Last payslip of the tax year
Self-employment They need the 'taxable profit'. - Self Assessment tax return
- Income details from accountant
Unemployment They will look at some state benefits – like Jobseeker's Allowance. Find out which benefits SAAS takes into account. P60U or a letter from Jobcentre Plus or DWP confirming total benefits received
One or more of:
- property
- interest on bonds and trusts
- interest from bank / building society and investments
- dividends
- other sources (like maintenance payments)
If you receive maintenance, you only need to provide proof if it's for another child in further or higher education. - Self Assessment tax return
- Income details from accountant
- Statements showing interest or investments
Pension They'll look at income from private, employers or retirement pensions. Pension statements

Evidence you need – proof of other personal circumstances

Which documents you need to send to SAAS will depend on the personal circumstances of the person or people who contribute to the 'household income'. This could be you, your parents, husband, wife, partner or civil partner.


Do not send original paper copies - SAAS will destroy the documents.

Type of personal circumstance Who Evidence you can upload
Separation, divorce or civil partnership dissolution You or your parents Separation agreement
Extract decree of dissolution of a civil partnership
Council Tax bill showing the 25% single occupancy discount
Lone parent (if applying for Lone Parent's Grant) You Proof of being a single parent, like a recent:
- Child Tax Credit letter
- Council Tax bill
- full birth certificate (not the shorter one) for a school-age or younger child in your household
Independent student who:
- is married
- is under 25
- hasn't been self-supporting for 3 years since leaving full-time education
You Marriage certificate

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